Passive Income Portals

In-depth course for creating passive income streams through portal websites

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The Presentation Video

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The Goal

The goal of this course is to get you through all the steps in order to create an online business, a passive income portal for yourself, while building your first portal at the same time.

The Steps

This course covers every step along the way. Each step has a practical assignment, so as you take the course, you work on your first portal at the same time. You build your new online business from scratch. You start with your idea, go through the required steps, and end up with your own finished portal.

You will choose a profitable niche, build the technical infrastructure (website etc.) of the portal, establish an ongoing flow of articles, create an email list (newsletter) and a Facebook Ads campaign to bring you new subscribers every day, establish a flow of value delivery to your subscribers, and sell products and services to your subscribers.
The course is considered complete when you generate your first online sale as a direct result of an email campaign you initiate to your newsletter subscribers in a promotional email. At that time you will have all the knowledge needed to keep growing your portal, and you'll be comfortable starting new online businesses on this model.

Two Parts

The Passive Income Portals course has two big parts. The first part deals with the technical steps, the actions you need to take in the physical world. This is what is called the red wire in the course.
The second part, which is probably more important than the first, prepares your mind for success using certain principles, techniques (such as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, The Four Steps and The Four Powers from The Diamond Cutter etc), and processes which will help clear your subconscious of unsupportive beliefs, negative mental imprints planted there in the past etc. It will also help you plant new supportive mental imprints in your mind – by having a kind attitude towards others, helping out, running your business ethically. All these are essential for the success of your business.

The Community

In our experience teaching this course before, it’s very important to be part of a community. The old adage holds true: 90% of success is showing up. We want you to be successful. We want you to build your business and we want your business to shine a bright light in the world, we want it to make the world better, to raise the vibration of the people it touches, and of the entire planet. We are here to help you do it. We’ll hold your hand and together we’ll go through each step. Whenever you get stuck, just show up, share what’s keeping you stuck, and let us and the community help you!

Technically this is implemented as a private online discussion forum - if you're not sure what that is, just think of it as a private Facebook group, just a little more nicely organized in topics :-).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do I need to start a portal website business?

A: Technically, you will need an internet domain and a web host running Wordpress. You will also need an email marketing service. Non-technically, you need a suitable niche and the patience to learn and build something beautiful. Also, in order to be successful you need to understand both how this business model works (covered in the first part of the course) and what exactly makes it work (covered in the second part of the course).

Q: Do I need to be a programmer or technical engineer to start this business?

A: No. There are web hosting companies which make it very easy for you to install the Wordpress blogging platform, and some will even install it for free. If you can write emails, post images on Facebook, and have general computer knowledge, you've got what it takes.

Q: How much money do I need to start a portal website according to this business model?

A: There are initial expenses and recurring expenses. Initial setup expenses are relatively small - you can create your blog / portal website and publish your first article in some 30 minutes, with about $20-25 for the domain (for one year) and a month of hosting.

To launch a successful portal with this passive income business model you also need a monthly budget for advertising and content (articles). This is a passive income course, so the idea is that you do not write the content - someone else does it, and oftentimes they get paid for it. And advertising is absolutely essential for creating an audience, an email list to which you will send free interesting articles and paid product promotions. If this is your first online business, the recommended monthly budget is between $200-$400 - half would be invested in advertising and half in content.

Q: How long does it take to break even?

A: To develop a portal you need a certain mindset. The creation of a portal business is a marathon, not a sprint. It is done with the joy and the patience of a gardener. How long it takes to break even depends on a few factors such as the chosen niche, the number of products in the niche which your subscribers are willing to buy, and the value of the commission for each sale if you're selling other people's products as an affiliate. It also depends on the size of the advertising budget - usually the more you invest in advertising after you set up your converting campaign the faster you grow your email list, and therefore reach the break even point sooner. And perhaps the most important factor is how well you apply the mental and spiritual techniques to train your mind for success.

Gec's budget back in 2012 when he started Reiki Rays was $300 per month and he broke even in the fifth month. He was seeing growth every month and he could see he was getting closer and closer to the break even point. Gec quit his full time job in 2013, 9 months after starting Reiki Rays.

The ideal candidate for this course has a job or another source of income and can allocate a monthly budget to invest in building a business which will eventually ensure the candidate's financial independence. This course / business model is not recommended for someone who has no income source because it would put too much pressure on the student.

Q: How much time do I need to allocate to this business?

A: If you've never created a website before, it can take 2-3 hours to set it up technically and install Wordpress, maybe more. Then after Wordpress is up and running, about 30-60 minutes a day in the first days until you find the right authors, set up your advertising campaign, and find your VA (virtual assistant). And then a few minutes a day to monitor progress and adjust the ads campaigns if needed.

Q: What is the format of this course?

A: The lessons are in text/PDF format. The course is complete - still, we plan to add video lessons in the following weeks and months to complement the text/PDF information. The video lessons will just repeat the information that is already there in the course, we will not add anything new. The price will go up when we finish adding the video lessons, but existing students will not be charged extra - so you will get all the new stuff for free if you sign up today.

Q: What if I want to start a Reiki portal too? What if more people start portals in the exact same niche?

A: I would love to see more Reiki portals started. One of our "internal goals" here in the Reiki Rays "headquarters" is to make the Reiki practitioner "job title" as popular as lawyer, policeman, doctor etc. And the more portals spreading the word, the better. Because more people will find out, more people will try it out, more people will start pursuing the path, sooner.

We believe the mindset of "competition" is counter-productive, and we promote a mindset of "cooperation and co-creation" instead. We encourage people to start Reiki portals. We do not believe that the world is a pizza which we have to share and decide who gets how much - we believe we can create new pizzas so that everyone has enough and then some, to give to others too.

We encourage people in the same niche to help each other out, to share tips of what's been working for them etc, and we believe this attitude plants the seeds of success in the subconscious mind of an entrepreneur. Geshe Michael Roach explains this very well in his books, and we've been doing this for years and can attest that yes, it is true. The world is not a pizza. Cooperation beats competition every time. We strive for win-win-win-win and we believe, based both on logic and our experience, that there is always a win-win solution - we just need the right mindset to see it. And this course covers the mindset part too.

Q: What happens after I purchase?

A: During the checkout process you will create your username and password to access the course materials. You will go through the materials lesson by lesson and you will build your own portal along the way. Inside the course, there are details on how to access the community forum, the most precious resource for progress.

We look forward to working with you on your business!

Your Instructor

Gec Diaconu & Florin Pasat
Gec Diaconu & Florin Pasat

Gec Diaconu is the founder and CEO of Reiki Rays. Gec started Reiki Rays in 2012, after working as a software engineer for more than a decade. Apart from his work on Reiki Rays, Gec is also very passionate about the Diamond Cutter, the spiritual business management system created by Geshe Michael Roach. Gec offers 1:1 spiritual management business coaching.

You can reach Gec at [email protected].

Florin Păsat is a husband, father, entrepreneur, coach, speaker, author of the book Wow, the new guide to reclaim an abundant and spectacular life. He's the creator of the Attract abundance in your life project, and the goal of this project is to give people the simplest and most effective techniques for an abundant and fulfilled life.

Florin read Geshe Michael Roach's book The Diamond Cutter in September 2014 and has applied the principles from the book in his business, which recorded a year over year growth of 290% in 2015 compared to 2014, and 75% in 2016 compared to 2015.

Florin has introduced the principles from The Diamond Cutter in his workshops and seminars, which has helped his audience and his students to improve their finances, relationships, and health.

You can reach Florin at [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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